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Cozy Fall Decorating Trends for an Inviting Home

Friday, September 22 is the first official day of fall!

Fall brings cozy sweaters, warm delicious drinks and pumpkin spice everything... Your house isn’t exempt from all things fall. Here in Florida, where it’s summer 80% of the year, we know it’s hard to get into the holiday spirit. So we’ve put together some of our favorite easy DIY crafts and fall home décor looks in hopes that despite it being 90 degrees outside, we can help you bring the fall inside!

Front Door Inspiration

DIY Fall Accents


Keep it simple - use {real or fake} small pumpkins and candles to create accent pieces


Build your own front door wreath {#Pinterest}

Or buy a premade one & personalize it by adding your family initial

DYI fall banners - perfect for any room or mantle

{Link to 10 step-by-step DYI banners}


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